Reading comprehension

Never have I before seen reading is a hinder like that. I need to slow down the speed of reading to make seen what is written about thoroughly. I also need to stop for a while to wonder myself whether or not I understand all of points what the author wants to convey to readers. Reading is never an easy task. It really need time and persistence.

When I became a member in Trung's apprentice, I started to realise that English looks like a  dense forest that has no roadmap. You walk into it and then yourself figure out how to get out of it. If you don't have any techniques, you will find it extremely difficult to get out. There is nothing more feasible than trying to concentrate on the task and then slowly aim at the goal you set on your own.

I try to read as much as possible. The topics I read vary from economics, teachonology, health, environment, politics, psychology, lifestyle, travel and micro matters like "how to" guides to do something new. I gather all of the websites that sounds helpful and assist to sharpen my knowledge about certain things like marketing, writing and psychology. I read without pause and read without being distracted by other things around.

Reading books seems to be inevitable in my life. 19 years ago, I always read books in Vietnamese but now instead of reading all stuff in Vietnamese, I start to devide all I need for reading into three parts: Vietnamese books, English books and English articles which I read on the internet. I spend most of the time on the internet reading English news at BBC, CNN, INC, ... and watch English videos and films at youtube and some film channels of Vietnam Widening vocabulary is never easy. There are a handful of new words everyday and when I look at an English post, I start to freak out occasionally in front of the amazing level of this issue. I try to focus on, try to guess  what it means and then go on the stuff without looking up in the dictionary. Interruption is an enemy when you are in reading process, so trying to avoid being distracted is always necessary.

Everyday is a new fresh day with loads of work to do but keep moving  forward and you will see the beauty of this language.

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