Some messages for future me
Hi Trang one year later,
I know now you are hitting the books to achieve what you desire for the a bright future but I have some blessing messages for you because I know relentless effort always supports you anytime but a beloved letter from me will motivate you to do further things.
I know you are swallowing everything in English those days and I also know you are under pressure, you make an attempt to show how well you are and how happy you look. Pretending real feelings and trying to make others satisfied may harm your physical and mental health, I know you know that more carefully than anyone around. Make a space for yourself and then meditate to help yourself in moderate situation. Health is gold and when you treat health like dirt, you will see the negative reaction.
So now Trang, treat yourself cleverly and don't let others make a pessimistic influence on your thought. You never know who you are to be clearly like you. So be yourseld and let something go..
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